#BookReview|The Killing Of Tracey Titmass|Estelle Maher

Today’s book review comes with a very important message attached. Chaps and gals always check your wobbly bits and regularly too. More on that after the review.

Publisher Beaten Track Published 29th October 2020 Edition paperback 374 pages Genre Metaphysical/visionary/medical comedy Purchase Link

Blurb Jo Kearns has breast cancer.While juggling her job, her boyfriend and the cancer, she discovers that her home has been invaded by Tracey, her tumour in insidious human form.Jo’s diary tells the story of her battle to evict the malignant Tracey from her house and the disease from her body.Based on Estelle Maher’s own cancer journey, this book is at times hilarious, at times poignant, but always unflinchingly honest and inspiring.

My Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ As a reader, reading is not always about fun. Reading is also a learning experience. Fiction that covers such hard topics of life are the most important part of my reading journey. That’s not to say that this book wasn’t fun, because it was lots of fun. Something hilarious, at times poignant but always honest. This book is all of those things and so much more. It is brimming with wit, warmth, love and plenty of positivity despite the subject matter. It feels wrong to say that I enjoyed reading the story of a character who was going through such an awfully life altering experience, but I did immensely. The diary format is perfect and says so much more than the words portray at times. An inspired story that really shines a light on making the most of what you have, appreciating the little things, laughing and loving as much as possible. I recommend everyone read this book, you won’t regret it.

About The Author

Estelle Maher was born in the heart of Liverpool, England. After spending her teens in rural Dorset, she returned to the North of England and now resides in Wirral with her husband, two children and three dogs.

Her career has been varied, but in her spare time, she’s quite at home with a paint brush, upcycling furniture. She also writes a blog in her spare time, The Secret Diary of a Middle Aged Woman, a humorous snapshot of random thoughts.

Estelle has been writing on and off for a number of years, and writing the blog was her first step in writing for an audience that was wider than her and her husband.

Her debut novel, Grace & The Ghost, won a Best Spiritual Fiction Award 2018, and her spin off Angel’s Rebellion also became an Amazon bestseller. Her third novel, The Killing of Tracey Titmass, is based on her own cancer journey. Told in diary form, it offers an alternative way of accepting cancer.

Estelle is now in recovery and still smiles every day.

Beaten Track Publishing https://www.beatentrackpublishing.com/shop/proddetail.php?prod=tkott
Estelle’s Twitter username @Estelle Maher Facebook is @EstelleMaher and @EstelleMaher-blog Author website https://estellemaher.com/

This helpful guide shows you how to check lumps and what abnormalities to look for. Do this on a regular basis and contact your doctor if you have concerns.

8 thoughts on “#BookReview|The Killing Of Tracey Titmass|Estelle Maher

  1. Hi Kayleigh I suffer from multiple breast cysts and have already had two scares (one during covid,) but both have turned out to be non cancerous thankfully. Thanks for sharing this review and shining a spotlight on such an important topic. And also for sharing the graphics.

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